Well, once again I’m nursing a small wound. It’s the remainder of what once was 4 wounds. This is one of those things that are going to crop up now and again because I’m unable to move. I’ve been through it before. But then Sunday afternoon as I’m warming up for a little Super Bowl action, the doctor called to inform me that the last wound, a tiny little thing mind you, is infected. It’s the dreaded MRSA bug. Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Superbug.  (more…)

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The New Blog: Steve 2.0

Last April was my last blog post here.Not a very good track record. Our summer blew through here at a pretty quick pace. As usual you had to chew through the humidity and the heat. I’ve become a fickle Floridian whereas I complain about the heat in the summer time, yet curse the cold when it dips into the 60s. Luckily, anywhere you go is under air-conditioning. But still, it gets horse shit hot and for a guy who cannot sweat, it can be deadly. The holiday season was tolerable. We had a few visitors which is always nice but it mostly leaves me wanting more. There are a lot of people that I miss but South Florida is close proximity with none of them.

[youtube ox6QIB0jDhs?hd=1]


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Conflict of interest.

How the hell do people write books about themselves? Telling stories of where they were and what they were doing, that’s one thing. How about sinking the pickax into your own gut and mining the bits for all the things that make you, you?! Who wants to do this? The first reason why I want to try is strictly monetary. I’m hoping that I can find a way to help support us in some fashion. The second reason, okay, there is no second reason. Not really anyway. I guess I feel cheated that I wasn’t able to make my mark in this world in some other fashion. Although, where I am is mainly due to decisions that I have made, I do feel that there was some kind of misalignment in the, chance, opportunity, luck machinery. The Fate thing, if you want to call it that. Anyway, things are the way they are and there’s probably a good chance my circumstances may allow me to make a mark in spite of myself.


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